Laser projectors for long and rotary tables

Laser projection systems from LAP project precise contours for the positioning of elements on fixed and tilting tables in stationary concrete parts production.

With our laser systems, you ensure that all your concrete elements are produced with high accuracy to fulfill your customer requirements. Exacting demands due to manufacturing quality can be precisely adhered to. Set-up and throughput times can be shortened, efficiency can be increased.

How can CONCRETE PRO support you?

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Case study: Groothuisbouw, Netherlands

Application of laser projection for the production of precast concrete houses

Your benefits

Less workload

Laser projection systems replace time- and maintenance-intensive plotter processes. The projection of every single working step is considerably more flexible, more efficient, and cleaner than marking with color plotters.

Reduced error rate

With all elements placed precisely on tables, beds, or decks laser projection reduces errors and contributes to a constant product quality. Compliance with production specifications down to millimeter accuracy can ultimately prevent claims.

Time savings

Mostly, saved time speaks for the use of laser projection. Our systems help you to save up to 50 percent of your time. Increased productivity and thus reduced costs mean being ahead of the competition.

Easy operation

Only minimal training is needed to operate the projection system. The user interface of the software is intuitive and user friendly. Important functions can also be directly accessed by remote control.


Thanks to the multitasking function of our software operator teams can work on multiple tasks simultaneously on the same tables. This clearly boosts productivity.


The entire system is scalable and can be configured for each plant type to application-specific requirements. This gives you maximum flexibility to adapt the system to your production processes.

"Our precise laser projection systems afford customers high accuracy and process security at every stage of production."

Matthias Lange, Product Manager at LAP

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