Software for the projection of outlines and templates using CAD-PRO laser projectors

Operating software for CAD-PRO laser projection systems



The Viewport function allows you to project sections (viewports) of complex projection files. With this function, only the part of the projection file that is relevant for production is projected. In the projection window you can drag a frame around the desired area via mouse click. Irrelevant parts of the projection are hidden. This can increase projection quality.

Embedded help

The context-sensitive help function offers short explanations and links to the requested topic in the manual. This allows the operator to directly call up the appropriate chapter for the current work step. The embedded help is also available in the PRO-SOFT Configuration.

Projection accuracy or speed

At the factory, the laser projector is set to project contours with a high degree of accuracy. For some applications, high speed is more important than a high degree of accuracy. The laser projector can then project with a reduced degree of accuracy at a higher speed. As a result, the laser projection is perceived as more pleasant by the human eye.

Projecting a menu

An alternative to controlling the laser projector via the computer is operation via remote control and a projected menu. The software can project the menu, for example, right next to the projection surface or on a wall on the opposite side of the room. You can operate the software from any position and do not need to access the PRO-SOFT computer for each work step.

User management

User management prevents unauthorized people from operating the projection system or changing the configuration. The software therefore provides the possibility to define the rights of users. User management can be used flexibly, making it possible e.g. to secure access to the software settings through a password-protected administrator account.

Additional settings

PRO-SOFT can operate in metric or imperial units. You can switch unit selection in a running system; no restart is required. You can also choose between a light or dark background, large or small toolbar buttons, and up to 12 languages.

Variants of PRO-SOFT software

Context sensitive help + + + +
User management + + + +
Switching metric/imperial + + + +
Editor for display of text and icons + + + +
Brighter display of selected projection areas + + + +
Load balancing + + + +
Barcode readers supported + + + +
Logfiles and reports + + + +
Operation by projected laser menu + + + +
Display of object name + + + +
Manual change of z-coordinate + +  
Manual change of y-coordinate +  
Compatible to Unitechnik format +  
Automatic load of updated files + +
Automated check of target positions + +
View from 6 angles and isometric + +
Client-Server architecture +
Multitasking +

Application examples

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